Monday, January 18, 2010


This blog would not exist without Darwin so it seems only fitting that he have his very own post.

Darwin was born on 10/14/09 which just happened to be our one year wedding anniversary. I checked into the hospital at 6am and Pitocin was started. At 8:15 the doc broke my water and I started feeling contractions at 8:30. An hour later I was in hell and at 10:30 I finally got my epidural which was heaven! At noon they checked me and I was fully dilated! Once they got the room set up I started pushing and 25 minutes later, he arrived.

He was an easy baby from the very beginning. He took to breastfeeding easily and he slept 5 hours straight his first night in the hospital! He started sleeping 8 hours straight when he was 2 months old. He has been an absolute joy since the moment he arrived. Here's a few snapshots from his first 3 months.

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