I’m just going to get all the negativity our right away. The
race didn’t go well. I haven’t got my legs back since Boston. The 8k, while not
a disaster, did not go well. I tried to do some speed work after that hoping to
get back into things. The week after the 8k I did a 12x400m work out and it
wasn’t awful. I even managed to do a mid week medium long run. That weekend
though, my actual long run was terrible. It was just so humid and hot. I
slogged through 12 miles and really never ran well again after that. Doing
speed work that next week just seemed impossible and like a really bad idea. I
did manage some strides though. After that, I took it easy the rest of the week
leading up to the 2 miler. No matter what I tried to tell myself, I just couldn’t
get into the idea of the race. In hindsight, I shouldn’t have run it. I should
have listened to my body (and my mind-I am so burned out) and sat it out. The
race only cost $7.50 so it really wouldn’t have been a big deal and we would
have saved money on a babysitter.
My 2m PR is 12:32. I ran that in 2011 at an early March
race. In the past, I’ve liked 2 milers. As I get older or maybe as I focus on
longer distances, my speed has really seemed to take a hit. I thought I would
be fine though. Just 3 months ago I ran a 5k right at PR pace. The McMillian
calculator predicts I can run a 12 minute 2 miler based on my 40:46 10k time
from Capital City Classic back in April. I didn’t figure I could actually do
that. Brian and I have looked at the calculator and it is pretty obvious that I’m
the strongest at 5 and 10k so my shorter and longer stuff will always be a
little slower than predicted if I use a 5 or 10k time. It didn’t seem like
running my PR time would be that much of a stretch though so I figured I’d go
out between 6:10 and 6:20. When I warmed up, I felt so sluggish. It was hot and
humid but it was worse than just that. My legs felt like they had no spring in
them at all. I’ve had many bad warm ups that came before great races though so
I didn’t worry about it too much. The attitude though… Man, I just didn’t want
to hurt the way you hurt in a 2 miler, especially in the oppressive conditions.
I lined up and went out at my intended pace. A quarter mile in, I knew I was in
trouble. I seriously considered throwing in the towel. I have never DNFed and I
don’t want to but at the same time, it isn’t a good idea to just run yourself
into the ground. I decided to keep going. I went through the 1 mile mark in
6:12. I was running pretty much on pace at that point but the thought of
another mile seemed pretty hopeless. A girl that is approximately my speed but
that I usually beat was beside me. I tried to just keep going and let the
distance pass. We stayed together until the 1.5 mile marker. She pulled a
little ahead of me and I figured I’d just let her go but the next thing I know,
without even really trying, I was with her again. With a quarter mile to go,
she took off and I fell apart. She ended up beating me by 14 seconds and we
were together with a quarter mile to go. Ugh. My time was 12:51 and the last
mile was 6:31. My overall pace was 6:26 which is about the pace I’ve been
running 5ks. I felt really horrible at the finish line even though I slowed
way, way down. I started cooling down pretty much immediately. What an awful
experience. I sulked the whole time I cooled down. I do not like feeling this
way about running. I know I need to do something different but I don’t know
what it is. My left Achilles was bothering me but that happens periodically. I
had actually felt it on the Wednesday and Thursday run before the race. I felt
it in the cool down but it didn’t feel like anything more than a little ice and
some stretching would fix.
Brian and I talked on the way home and he agreed that I needed
a major adjustment of some sort. He suggested getting through the Go!Mile which
was the next weekend and then taking and entire rest week and reassessing. I
agreed. Later that night, I went to do a recovery run and it was clear that my
Achilles was more than a little sore. I decided to just skip the Go!Mile and
take my rest week immediately. I was sad but it felt like the right only
thing to do. I was already signed up for the Go!Mile but too bad.
Through Tuesday, the ankle hurt bad enough that it was hard
to walk without a limp. I iced 3-4 times a day. I didn’t stretch because it
seemed like it might do more harm. It felt a little better by the end of the
day Tuesday so I went to yoga and really got it stretched out. That was the
best it had felt since the race. After yoga, it continued to feel better every
day. We all went to the Go!Mile because the kids were doing the Mini Mile.
Brian had a great race. He did 4:40! I really wish I had skipped the 2 miler
and done this race but what’s done is done. I ran with Leo and the ankle felt
good although it really wasn’t a true test as it was only about 3/10 of a mile
and Leo only ran about half of it. I wanted to test it out but it was pretty
hot by the time we got home. I waited until 8pm and ran 3 miles. I was hoping
that I’d get out there and feel great. I’ve been really missing running this
week and even longed for my pre dawn runs. It didn’t go well. My left ankle
hurt pretty bad after a mile or so and my right ankle started hurting too.
WTH!? I haven’t had problems with the right ankle since at least 2011. I’ve had
Achilles issues off and on throughout the years so it is a problem for me and I
can’t be that surprised.
I have to believe that this too shall pass. This is running
for me. A big series of highs and lows. Marathoning has always done a number on
me and Boston is just so punishing. I was so sad a couple of weeks ago that I
couldn’t do anything but run 6 milers and now I’m limping through 2 and 3
milers. Gah!!! So frustrating. I’ve been doing eccentric exercises for the
Achilles that really seemed to help last time. I’m also icing 3-4 time per day.
I plan on looking up more PT type things I can do and I plan on getting to yoga
as much as possible. I haven’t complained on here about it but the gym I was
going to shut down the location with the best yoga instructor/kids club. They
brought her over to a new club but only once per week and the kids club isn’t
ready yet. Just last week, they started having a Tuesday night class at a new
place with a kids club and we all liked it (all being me, Leo and Darwin). She
has a new Monday night class to so I’m going to try to make that as well.
From here on out, I’m going to think long and hard about
marathons. I do really enjoy training for them but they aren’t my best distance
and, as much as I will miss them, I don’t want to be in this type of position
ever again. I know I will be from time to time because that’s just running, but
I don’t want to purposely walk into the lion’s den so to speak. I do still want
my sub 3:15 and I plan to do Houston if I can and it seems like the right thing
to do as the time gets closer. Houston is fairly flat so it shouldn’t tear me
up as much. One thing I learned in Boston training is that I’m really good at
10k! I’ve always had such a mental block about that distance and was convinced
I was bad at it. I am not and I feel like I could be really happy focusing on
it and 5k. I’m hoping to rehab myself and focus on the Chile Pepper 10k XC in
October. If I can maintain some fitness and build back up, it would be really
good timing to have a good race there and then transition into Houston
training. I’m just going to stay as positive as possible and work through this.
I really miss running.
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